GLP Tech News 2023/05/15 [JDC1, impression FR10 Bar, FUSION FS16 Z, FUSION X-Par 12 Z]

GLP Tech News 2023/05/15 [JDC1, impression FR10 Bar, FUSION FS16 Z, FUSION X-Par 12 Z]
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‍Tech News - 2023/05/15

Dear ,

Please find important technical information below.

Many thanks in advance for your kind attention.

JDC1 V1.98



‍Solved: Fixtures loosing tilt position. The problem occures during very very very slow movements, only


1 file has to be updated via DMX/RS485:

JDC-1 Main DMX V198.bin (via D2PROG or D3PROG)

When importing the bin file to a DProg make sure that you choose the file type BIN before uploading the file to the programmer.

Fixtures can be updated daisy chain via DMX. Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line


‍Update is not show critical


Update: JDC-1 Main DMX V198.bin


impression FR10 Bar V63

Main changes from V60 to V63


‍Solved: Critcal Bug which could damage a tilt driver resistor (R118) .

If this happens tilt stops working.


To prepare fixtures below version 60 for this update, a bootloader updated has to be installed in advance before updating the main firmware V63. Both updates can be done via DMX (daisy chain), one after the other.

Update with D3Prog, only, Version 42 or higher / PC software Version

605 or higher, daisy chain via RS485/DMX


Update: FR_10_DMX_V63.bin , FR_10_Main_Up_Bl_V6.bin


Fusion Stick FS16Z V1011

Main changes from V1009 to V1011


‍Added RDM Factory Defaults


Update via Fusion Stick PC Update Software V103 via USB to XLR Connector item code 4930108: ”Firmware Updater for Fusion FS10/ FS20/ FP7/FS16Z”

Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line and fixtures Control Protocol is set to DMX.

All fixture settings will be reset to factory defaults after the main application update.


‍Update is not show critical


Update: STICK_FS_16Z_XLR_V1011.FSN


Fusion X-PAR 12Z V1.0.10

Main changes from V1.0.02 to V1.0.10


‍improved dimmer curves

improved color wheel

added dimmer snap function

optimized manual control (e.g. removed 16 bit channels etc)

Improved RDM ( included Factory Backup)

Caution: Factory Backup will restore all settings to default including DMX-Address and DMX-Mode!

Rearranged the display menus as to the latest specifications

Renamed some display entrys as to the latest specifications

DMX Hold is the default setting for No DMX


‍RDM Discovery was sometimes not working via MA2


Update via Fusion PC Software with USB to XLR Adapter or update with Fusion Upater

(for ExoSeries and XParSeries)


As dimming curves changed and bug in color wheel is fixed the fixtures will not be show compatible

Added RDM Factory backup! One click can change Start Address and DMX Mode!


Update: XP12_MAIN_1_V01.GFS


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