GLP Tech News 2023/06/12 [impression FR10 Bar, impression X5 Series]

GLP Tech News 2023/06/12 [impression FR10 Bar, impression X5 Series]
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‍Tech News - 2023/06/12

Dear ,

Please find important technical information below.

Many thanks in advance for your kind attention.

impression FR10 Bar V64

Main changes from V63 to V64


Solved: Critcal Bug: sACN does not work.


To prepare fixtures below version 60 for this update, a bootloader updated has to be

installed in advance before updating the main firmware V63.

Both updates can be done via DMX (daisy chain), one after the other.


Update with D3Prog, only, Version 42 or higher / PC software Version 605 or higher, daisy chain via RS485/DMX


Update: FR_10_DMX_V64.bin , FR_10_Main_Up_Bl_V6.bin


GLP impression X5 Series

Main changes from V1.0.1 to V1.1.3


‍Renamed DMX Mode 5 to Multipix Compressed RGB

Added new DMX Mode 6: Multipix Compressed RGBL

Added beta Firmware support. Version number has -beta appended and the screen background is purple.


Zoom, Pan and Tilt can freeze (very seldom) because of bus transmission issues

Gamma correction was accidentally applied to background layer pixels in any ColorMix Mode.

Gamma correction should only be applied in ColorMix Mode: RGB.

This resulted in different color outputs when the same color values were applied to foreground and background layer.

Lightning shutter effect was not working correctly


Fixtures need 1 update, if V1.0.1 or higher is installed already.


Via D3Prog (RS485/DMX):

1. Update the Main Application V 1.1.3 via DMX/RS485 via D3Prog (impression-X5_1.1.3_DMX.bin)


Optional via iQ.Service App (no Login needed) :

Change the Control Protocol in the Fixtures Protocol Setup Menu to iQ.Mesh,

or via DMX Control Channel to iQ.Service Connect: DMX 012-013 (4,7% - 5,1%)

1. Update the Main Application V 1.1.3


Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line

and fixtures Control Protocol is set to DMX!


This update is show critical as the color mix bug (Gama correction bug) is solved

and should not be done on site, especially when background colors are programmed and in use.


impression-X5_1.1.3_DMX.bin (provided via website as download and iQ.Service App)


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