GLP Tech News 2024/04/26 [JDC Line 500/1000, FUSION FS16Z]

GLP Tech News 2024/04/26 [JDC Line 500/1000, FUSION FS16Z]
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‍Tech News - 2024/04/26

Dear ,


Please find important technical information below. Please also consider reading the firmware changelog enclosed in every firmware download.



Thank you in advance for your attention.

‍JDC LinE 500 / 1000



  • ‍Added Intensity FX Mode Spread
  • @intensity fx channel value 240:  when activated the duration channel changes its meaning to a phase offset ( > fanning this channel across different fixtures will lead to flash chasers very easily)
  • Added RDM Temperature sensors
  • Added Serial Number over RDM


  • Fixed random display error messages. ( e.g. red VERER in display, sporadic screen rotation)
  • Fixed bug in RDM Device Model ID
  • Changes to the ArtNet Port Address or IP settings done via ArtNet are not ephemeral anymore, but saved to the device settings


‍Two files have to be uploaded in sequency over DMX/RS485, daisy chain:

  1. Upload:  JDC-Line_1.0.0_BOOTDMX.bin (JDC-Line Main BL2.3.0)
    After the bootloader package upload via DMX to the fixture, it will take a while until the software is distributed to all drivers. Please wait until the fixture has finished all internal uploads until it is showing “Awaiting user initiated update”.

  2. Upload: JDC-Line_1.0.0_DMX.bin
    After the Main package upload to the fixture it will take again a short while until the firmware is spread to all drivers and all MCUs are flashed. Please wait until fixtures restart and the display is showing a DMX address. 

The fixtures must be updated via D3Prog daisy chain via RS485/DMX.

Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line and fixtures Control Protocol is set to DMX . And fixtures do not loose power during the update


‍Please make sure that your D3Prog is at least on V49 and your transfer software programmer app on version 612 or higher.


  1. ‍JDC-Line_1.0.0_BOOTDMX.bin  ( MainBL 2.3.0, UniversalDrivers.* 2.1.2)  (140kb)
  2. JDC-Line_1.0.0_DMX.bin (493kb)


Fusion Stick FS16Z

Main changes from V1011 to V1012


  • ‍Added: DMX Mode 6 and DMX Mode 7
    • Mode 6: Pixel 16bit with 143 DMX channels
    • Mode 7: Compressed Pixel 16 bit with 133 DMX channels


Update via Fusion Stick PC Update Software V103 via USB to XLR Connector

item code 4930108: ”Firmware Updater for Fusion FS10/ FS20/ FP7/FS16Z”


Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line

and fixtures Control Protocol is set to DMX.

All fixture settings will be reset to factory defaults after the main application





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