With the ArenaLED3 lighting system, GLP offers a solution for professional sports and event venues, as well as for any kind of large-scale events that require dynamically innovative lighting for unforgettable visitor experiences. In addition to the prescribed conventional basic lighting, dynamic and color dynamic sceneries can be integrated at any time. This not only enhances the visitor experience, it also increases sales figures by boosting the rate of repeat visits and increasing the length of stay. The additional revenue generated by this leads to a faster payback of the system.
The core of the ArenaLED3 system consists of an extremely efficient clusterable luminaire unit with high light generation efficiency and a luminaire luminous flux of up to 62,700 lumens. The three swiveling luminaire heads within the ArenaLED3 can be individually aligned to the lighting requirements, ensuring optimal homogeneous light distribution in accordance with the standard at all times. The ArenaLED3 modules are available as two mounting types (Type A and Type B).